Alienware 18 Review

Alienware has dependably been at the front line with regards to gaming PCs, and now they have discharged another brute that will clearly take the breath away of gamers, the Alienware 18. This gaming tablet can beat the majority of the top of the line gaming desktops right now that are in the same value range.


Not at all like most gaming tablets, the Alienware 18 gloats a tremendous 18-inch 1080 HD screen. Despite the fact that it doesn't have the most great screens accessible, it manages to furnish gamers with lively hues and blackest blacks, which in any case makes for an exceptionally decent gaming background.

An Intel i7 processor gives the ability to the Alienware 18, which implies you have all that anyone could need preparing power for even the most requesting diversions. The Intel Core i7-4910MQ is a quad-center processor with an underlying clock velocity of 2.9 GHz, yet you can knock it up to 3.9 GHz utilizing Turbo Boost.

The Alienware 18 additionally accompanies 16GB of fast RAM, which is unmistakably all that could possibly be needed for generally diversions. Be that as it may, you can include increasingly on the off chance that you feel that sitting tight for two or three microseconds more for your diversion to load is horrifying.

The most amazing component of the Alienware 18 is that not just does it have a standout amongst the most effective illustrations connectors out there - it really has two. In the engine of the Alienware 18 are two Nvidia GeForce GTX 880M's; this implies you can play even the most requesting recreations at high settings with no issues at all. One thing that you have to recall however is that stand out of the video cards is practical straight out of the case, you need to change with the Nvidia settings to turn on the other one.


Similarly as with most gaming portable workstations, the Alienware 18 is a bit on the thick side. Measuring 17.97" x 12.90" x 2.26" and measuring more than 12 pounds, the Alienware 18 is in no way, shape or form minimized. Truth be told, it is massive to the point that numerous trust that it can stop a.45 bore slug let go at medium extent. In the event that you do plan to get this gaming portable workstation, you ought to put resources into a decent pack to bear it, ideally one with wheels so you don't need to strain your back excessively.

In all seriousness, despite the fact that the Alienware 18 is monstrous, it is a smooth bit of equipment. The boards fit so flush together that when you close the top you won't discover any crevices. An enormous measure of tender loving care went into this gaming tablet; plainly it is one of the most delightful looking gaming fixes that you can discover anyplace.

Cost and Verdict

Presently here is the place the vast majority will feel somewhat uncomfortable. These fancy odds and ends don't come shabby; the Alienware 18 retails at around US$4,200, which is on the top part of the value range. Nonetheless, you can most likely see that its gigantic sticker price is reasonable, seeing this is one intense bit of gaming equipment. Yes, you can manufacture a comparative desktop PC well under the Alienware 18's value point, yet it is far fetched that it will look and execute as easily.
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